Fallen (Beautiful Book 1) Read online

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  ‘Why would you ask? We connected on a much deeper level and you know it.’

  She sniffed, tears surfaced.

  ‘Do you want to have a look at yourself?’ asked the senior doctor. ‘There will still be some skin grafts to do, so this isn’t the final result. We’ll do the best we can to get you as close to normal as possible.’

  ‘I don’t know if I’m ready. I spent the whole night thinking about this moment.’

  ‘You can do this.’ Logan took her hand gently. ‘It’s still you.’

  She looked at the doctor and nodded. The nurse handed her a mirror. Faith shut her eyes and brought the mirror to her face. She took a few deep breaths and then slowly opened her eyes.

  The woman who gazed back at her wasn’t her, not the woman she used to see every morning. The left side of her face looked like eroded soil, and on the same side, her hair had been burnt. She gasped as she looked at her image. It hit her. She felt horrible looking. She’d been so used to seeing a pretty woman in the mirror, but now she saw a monster.

  ‘Oh god!’ She burst into tears.

  ‘Oh honey.’ Ivy took her into her arms.

  The doctors tried to console her with some good news that that wasn’t the final look. But that didn’t change how she felt. Faith felt physically ugly and resented it.

  ‘We’ll leave you for a bit. Our counsellor is on hand if you need her.’

  She nodded and sniffed and watched as they left.

  ‘It might be good to talk to a counsellor,’ said Ivy.

  ‘Yes, I think I might. I feel…’ She started to cry again.

  ‘Oh sweetie.’

  Logan put a little pressure on her gently to reassure her that he was serious about what he had said.

  ‘Everything will be okay,’ said Mel.

  ‘I don’t know. Look at me.’ She was in bits. ‘This isn’t me.’ She thought she’d be able to get past it, but she couldn’t. She’d been so used to looking at a beautiful woman, but what she saw now was ugly. She was certain everyone would see the same. ‘I can’t walk into meetings looking like this, I’m a freak.’

  ‘You’re not a freak,’ said Ivy. ‘They still know you as Faith.’

  ‘With half a face.’ She felt bitter. The person who had done this to her deserved a place in hell. ‘Why would anyone want to do this to me?’ This time she leaned into her mothers shoulder and cried.

  Ivy rubbed her back gently and hushed her. She did the best she could to make it okay, but she knew there was only so much she could do.

  ‘What about my arms, will they look this horrible too.’ She tortured herself with the thought. ‘I hate myself.’

  ‘You don’t mean that,’ said Ivy.

  Mel felt helpless. Her silent support was all she could give. Logan kept his hand firmly on her hand and squeezed gently from moment to moment. After a while, she pulled back and looked at them all.

  ‘I’m sorry I’m so miserable.’

  ‘Don’t be sorry,’ said Logan.

  She smiled at him slightly.

  ‘You have a beautiful smile. I’d like to see more of that.’ He smiled.

  The words kept the smile on her face. It was a hard day, but they got through it. Eventually, Ivy and Mel had to be on their way.

  ‘I’ll see you tomorrow,’ said Ivy.

  Faith nodded.

  ‘You’ll be fine sweetheart,’ said Mel.

  Faith smiled, never being beautiful again was a hard pill to swallow. They left them, Faith felt as miserable as could be. Logan took time to get onto the bed.

  ‘Hey.’ He kissed her face gently. ‘Don’t ever think you’re not beautiful.’

  She pursed her lips to hold back the tears.

  ‘It’s hard now, but give it time.’

  She gazed ahead and tried to let the words sink in.

  ‘Things could have been worse. You could’ve died, but you’re here. The accident taught me just how lucky I am to be here. The things that were once so important, like looks, money, mean nothing when you don’t have your life.’

  ‘I know. It’s just hard.’

  ‘It would be. You spent your life looking a certain way, now you have to get used to looking a different way. It’s up to you how you will get through this. I can tell you you’re beautiful until I’m blue in the face, but until you believe that, it won’t mean a thing. I’m hoping you will believe it.’

  She shifted down the bed and leaned into his chest. It felt good to know that he hadn’t bolted when the bandages had come off. It was great to know that she had people who loved her. That was the most important thing, and she wanted to try to focus on that.

  ‘Can I ask you a question?’ asked Logan.

  ‘What’s the question?’

  ‘Will you be my girlfriend?’

  She laughed.

  ‘Is that a funny question?’

  ‘Yes it is? Why would you want me to be your girlfriend?’

  ‘Because I like you and I’ve never had a girlfriend before.’

  ‘You’ve never had a girlfriend? I find that hard to believe.’

  ‘I’ve had flings, and short relationships, but I’ve never had a girlfriend. I’ve never seen the need.’

  ‘You see it now?’

  ‘I do.’

  ‘Why’s that?’

  ‘Well for starters you referred to me as your friend, and I don’t want to be just your friend.’

  She giggled.

  ‘I see this is funny for you.’

  ‘You’re a silly man.’

  ‘I know and I want to be your silly man.’

  ‘Do I have to give you an answer?’

  ‘Of course you do. I don’t like to be kept hanging.’

  She looked up at him and searched his blue eyes. He smiled. He wanted her, everything about her made him buzz. Her beauty still lay in her gorgeous eyes, and he couldn’t resist that. They’d built a connection, something he’d never taken the time to do with a woman. He’d learnt a lot in a short space of time.

  ‘Okay,’ she said.

  ‘Okay? Does that mean I have a girlfriend?’

  ‘That means you have a girlfriend.’ She laughed.

  ‘Can I kiss her?’ He touched her chin gently.

  ‘I thought you had a girlfriend.’

  ‘I do.’

  ‘Then why do you have to ask to kiss her?’

  He laughed, brought her forward. He pressed his lips gently on the side of her face, against her healing skin. He travelled to her lips and kissed her gently and then pulled back. She smiled.

  ‘How was that?’ He asked.

  ‘Okay for a first kiss,’ she teased.

  He brought her forward again and kissed her with a bit more passion.

  Chapter Six

  Daniella stretched with a broad smile on her face. She opened her eyes and turned to her left. She smiled. It took a moment to slip out of bed, put on something decent and then go downstairs. There was the aroma of freshly brewed coffee in the warm air. The radiators buzzed, and the house felt cosy and safe. She loved everything about it. She stepped into the kitchen and beamed.

  ‘Morning,’ he said.

  ‘Morning, it smells fantastic in here.’ She walked towards the kitchen table, leaned forward to give him a kiss.

  ‘Did you sleep well?’

  ‘Like a baby,’ she laughed. ‘Though, I’m not sure babies sleep that well, so that cliché is a bit distorted.’ She giggled.

  ‘I agree.’ He smiled. ‘Coffee?’

  ‘Oh yes please.’ She pulled out a stool and sat down.

  ‘I’ve made some scramble eggs and sausages if you’re interested.’

  ‘Sounds tempting.’

  ‘Go on, you’re allowed to pig out once in a while.’

  ‘Yes I know, but it’s just that once, and then it spills over.’ Daniella knew how that worked. The minute she indulged in something she’d forbidden from her list, it would be the end of her hard work.

  ‘It can’t be that ba

  ‘It is.’ Daniella had been the fat kid, and she’d hated it. She’d worked hard, and soon she was slim, beautiful and bright. She wouldn’t let some fried eggs ruin that.

  ‘Suit yourself.’ He handed her the coffee.

  ‘I’ll just have some fruit. I’ll be fine.’

  He nodded. They continued their breakfast in silence. There were a few moments of small talk, but nothing important.

  ‘Will I see you tonight?’ she asked.

  Just as he was about to answer that question, the doorbell rang.

  ‘Hold on a minute.’ He stood up.

  The ringing turned to loud banging.

  ‘Okay, okay, hold on.’ He rushed for the door and opened.

  ‘Jacob Sparks, you’re under arrest for the attempted murder of Faith Hutton.’

  ‘This is ludicrous!’

  They turned him around, he dropped to his knees and his hands were cuffed.

  ‘You have the right to remain silent, anything you say – ’

  ‘I didn’t do it! This is nuts! Why would I want to hurt her?’

  They continued to read him his rights. Daniella rushed to the front door to see what the fuss was about.

  ‘What the hell?’

  ‘I didn’t do this!’ He fought against the arrest.


  ‘On my mobile, call my lawyer. I didn’t do this!’

  ‘I don’t understand.’

  ‘Just call my lawyer, Paul, he’ll know what to do!’ He shouted as they dragged him away.

  Daniella watched as they dragged him away.


  The police walked into the ward while Faith and Logan were deep in conversation. Logan wondered if they’d come to see him.

  ‘Miss Hutton,’ said an officer.


  They looked over at Logan. That was his cue to move and give them some privacy. They waited until he’d left them and then the same officer spoke.

  ‘We’ve made an arrest.’

  ‘You have?’ She swallowed back hard, did she want to know who had tried to murder her.

  ‘Yes, Jacob Sparks.’

  ‘No, it can’t be!’ Her stomach turned.

  ‘I’m sorry.’

  ‘I thought you said he was clear.’

  ‘Yes, but we found new evidence that points at him.’

  ‘It can’t be. He loved me.’ The tears burned behind her lids.

  ‘I know this is hard to take in, but you have to understand that he had motive.’

  ‘What’s that?’

  ‘We found whatsapp conversations between him and another person about you.’

  She frowned.

  ‘He doesn’t like you very much, Miss Hutton. One conversation stated he wished you could die.’

  She felt sick. ‘Why would he say such a thing?’

  ‘I’m sorry. I know this is hard for you to hear, but we had to let you know.’

  ‘Are you sure it’s him?’ She still couldn’t fathom it. Had everything between them been a lie?

  ‘He also doesn’t have an alibi on the night of the attack.’

  ‘Still, this can’t be true.’ She couldn’t swallow it. Did he hate her that much?

  ‘Yes, but we’ve collected enough to investigate fully.’

  ‘I see.’ She lay back.

  ‘I’m sorry.’

  She nodded. They took a few details about her relationship with Jacob. Faith found it hard to speak about it, but she pulled through.

  ‘We’ll be back if we need anything else.’

  ‘Yes, okay. Thank you.’

  They left. Logan waited five minutes before wheeling over to her.

  ‘Are you okay?’ He took her hand.

  ‘No, I’m not okay.’

  He nodded.

  ‘It just doesn’t add up. Why would he do such a thing? What did I do to make him hate me this way?’

  ‘This isn’t you, it’s all him. He probably was jealous. It can make us do nasty things.’

  ‘I still don’t believe he’d do it. He just isn’t the type.’

  ‘Perhaps you didn’t know him well enough.’

  ‘I knew him long enough to know he wasn’t violent.’

  ‘I don’t know what to say.’

  ‘Neither do I. It’s all a shock.’

  ‘At least you’re safe now.’

  She nodded. She was silent a while. She tried to think about any signs Jacob had shown, to show a violent side, there were none. It didn’t add up, but then again, it could’ve slipped by her.

  ‘It’s funny how you think you know someone.’

  ‘Yes, that is true. People can and will surprise us every time.’

  ‘I agree.’ She lay back. ‘I think I’ll get some rest.’

  ‘Can I join you?’

  ‘Be my guest.’ She shifted over.

  He climbed onto the bed. Faith had to see Jacob at some point. If he’d done it, she had to know why. But she also had to look him in the eyes to see if there was any truth to the accusation.

  Next in the series

  Lifted (Beautiful)


