The Girl With The Curves #1 (Positive Curves, #1) Read online

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  Amber took her into a hug, she was truly happy for her. It had been a long time since she’d seen Harley smile and be that happy.

  ‘You go and enjoy this thing. You look stunning.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  They hugged again before stepping out. A taxi waited for Harley outside. Driving wasn’t an option; she wanted to be free of that. The only thing she wished was that Sebastian was by her side but she’d have to settle without him and hope that on Monday he would be happy about the results.

  ‘Have a fantastic evening!’ Amber shouted as she hopped into her car...

  ‘Could you zip me up?’ Susannah asked her husband as he did up the bowtie to the tux.

  Sebastian stood behind his wife looking as gorgeous as ever, even Susannah’s heart did a double beat. As the zip slowly travelled up her back she couldn’t help but want more of him.

  ‘Her name is Harley,’ she said.

  Sebastian stopped midway.

  ‘I heard you call out her name while you slept.’ Susannah watched her husband through the reflection of the mirror.

  ‘This isn’t up for discussion.’ He pulled up the zip and stepped back.

  ‘You must really like this one, I’ve never seen you relaxed.’

  Sebastian picked up the tux jacket ignoring the last statement.

  ‘We must go or we’ll be late.’ He headed for the door.

  ‘You can’t hide her from me for too long.’ She persisted.

  ‘We’ll be late. I’ll be downstairs waiting for you.’ Nothing more was said, it was the way things worked under their roof.


  Harley finally stepped into the venue after all the security checks and handing over her coat. There was music belting out around the place, music she had no idea what it was but it sounded lovely and sophisticated. Her arms broke out in goosbumps, just being in the place, the beauty was exciting. Harley looked above her and saw the beautiful paintings that had been painted across the high ceiling. Soon she was asked her name by a man waiting to meet guests at the entrance of the reception hall. He nodded and acknowledged that she was press. Table number 73 was allocated to her; Harley assumed it was a table that had been allocated to all press members. As waiters walked to and fro with trays of glasses of wine, even though she was tempted, Harley wanted to be alert on the job.

  For a moment she took notes, met people and listened to their interest to the function.

  ‘You don’t mind if I quote that?’ she’d asked a gentleman who had praised one of the artists.

  ‘Quote away. What paper did you say you’re from?’

  ‘The Forrest Evening Post.’

  The man nodded acknowledging that it was an old and successful paper, nothing like the tabloids today. For a while the old man mumbled on about the diminishing of the English language and how everything was on the internet, but soon his attention was taken away by the arrival of an acquaintance.

  Harley mingled with other press members and tried to find interesting stories while she waited for the main subject of her story. For a while Harley had really began to enjoy following Susannah. The woman led an interesting and luxurious life, a life she could only dream of having. Harley wondered if Susannah would come with the young blonde she’d spotted her with before. That would be an interesting story; it would be interesting to know what Sebastian would do with the story. He still hadn’t told her why he was so interested in the woman. Harley had decided to let it be and just do her job.

  Soon everyone was directed to their seating, there were five minutes left before the beginning of the whole do. Only a few seats were still available. Men and women hurried along and came in one at a time to their designated seated area. Only a few seats were left vacant up at the front, seats Harley assumed belonged to the VIP’s. For the last few moments she stood to the side of entrance to the reception. She would give it another two minutes before heading for her table, she was hoping Susannah would make her appearance soon.

  For just a split second Harley turned away but it was only a second because as soon as she’d spotted Susannah all her confidence fell away. How could this be? It made no sense. The inside of her stomach tightened. There he was as handsome as ever arm in arm with Susannah. They spoke briefly to a member of the press and then he noticed her, his attention taken away completely.

  Harley didn’t know what the next move would be but that man, who stood with the woman on his arm, had been between her legs whispering sweet nothings into her ears less than twenty four hours ago. This wasn’t happening. It couldn’t be! Boldly she gazed into his grey eyes, his mouth opened as if to say something but nothing came out.

  ‘Thank you for your time Mr and Mrs Forrest,’ the gentleman said.

  Sebastian witnessed the pain in her eyes as everyone was directed to their seats. On the way to the designated table Harley picked up a large glass of white wine and began to down it fast. His eyes followed her to the table, he was hurt too, he didn’t want her to find out this way. What had he been thinking? Harley had never felt so humiliated. It was like being back at school, feeling like the girl who’d been set up just to be humiliated.

  ‘Mark,’ the man besides her introduced himself.

  ‘Harley.’ She tried to smile but the words caught in her throat.

  ‘Isn’t it nice to see Mr and Mrs Forrest together?’

  The tears stung threatening to surface but the wine quickly pushed them back down.

  ‘I never thought they would give me a second of their time.’ The man was clearly giddy. ‘They are the couple.’ He made an emphasis on ‘THE.’

  Harley nodded. How had she been so blind, so stupid! How had this by passed her. How had she not known he was married!

  ‘Excuse me could I get one of those.’ She stopped the waiter and got another glass of wine.

  ‘Whoa, drinking on the job, bad idea,’ said Mark.

  Harley chose not to respond. Instead she took big gulps of the wine gazing in the direction of Sebastian. From time to time people came up to him and got in the way but as soon as they left, he would gaze her way, pleading in his eyes. The food was served, Harley wasn’t hungry, in fact she wasn’t going to finish the project. Again she handed back the empty glass and took another.

  ‘Keep them coming,’ she told one waiter.

  Mark observed her a little worried. ‘Is everything alright?’ he asked.

  ‘Why wouldn’t it be?’

  ‘You seem a little ticked off.’

  Harley kept her eyes across the room and swirled the glass. ‘Do I?’

  ‘Yes you do.’

  ‘Well you’re mistaken; this is what I always look like.’

  ‘You’re looking uptight honey what’s the matter?’ Susannah could tell something was clearly bugging her husband.

  ‘Wouldn’t you like to know,’ he said in a low voice.

  ‘Please for the sake of the press let’s be civil,’ she whispered back.

  The night progressed and both parties gazed at each other from time to time.

  ‘Shall we dance?’ Susannah offered.

  It wasn’t what he had in mind, the only thing on his mind was Harley, he had to get to her.


  ‘Of course dear.’ He led his wife to the floor and others followed...

  ‘Would you like to dance?’ Mark offered. ‘It might get your mind off whatever is bothering you.’

  ‘Nothing’s bothering me.’ She took the last bit of drink. ‘But yes I’d love to dance.’

  Mark led her to the dance floor. It wasn’t like she knew what to do and she was too tipsy to care. Harley followed his lead and he turned out to be a good leader. After a moment Harley heard a man’s voice.

  ‘Do you mind if I cut in.’

  Soon both parties had swapped partners and Harley was in his arms.


  ‘Don’t!’ She said under her breath.

  ‘I was going to tell you,’ he whispered and they s
wirled across the room.

  The more he did it the more her stomach swirled.

  ‘I didn’t want you to find out this way.’

  ‘I don’t care,’ she hissed as low as she could.


  Just then the music stopped and the partners let go of each other and clapped their hands.

  ‘Harley.’ He turned to her still clapping.

  Tears glazed over and finally accepting what was, she shook her head and headed in the direction of the exit. Sebastian’s feet wouldn’t head back to sit back down; instead driven by his heart he ran after the one woman he loved.

  ‘Harley please, wait!’ He grabbed her by the arm before she could slip away.

  Sebastian knew the place so well he pulled her by the arm down a hall and away into a corner where no one could see them. He couldn’t resist what he did next. Harley looked stunning, no one made him feel the way she did. His lips pressed against hers hard and for a moment she let him, for one split second she let him plant his lips on hers.

  ‘Stay away from me!’ she pushed him away. ‘Don’t you dare touch me!’ The tears came in floods. ‘You used me. You’re just the same as everyone else. You used me!’

  ‘No no...I didn’t use you oh honey I’m falling in love with you.’

  ‘No... don’t you dare!’ she flared. ‘I spent a life time protecting myself against the likes of you! You who think you have it all, the looks, the money! You think you can use and discard of people.’ She was in bits. ‘I have feelings!’

  ‘Don’t say things like that, I love you, you’re gorgeous. You look amazing tonight.’

  ‘Stop it! Stop lying to me!’

  ‘It’s true.’ He tried to take her into his arms but she resisted.

  ‘When where you going to tell me you were married? I’m a fool I should’ve known!’

  ‘What I have isn’t a marriage. It’s a show. I don’t love that woman I’m falling for you.’

  ‘Shut up!’

  ‘It’s true. I didn’t use you.’

  ‘Then what do you call it.’

  ‘I never thought you’d take it this far. All I wanted was enough evidence to get her out of my life.’

  Harley gazed at him a moment.

  ‘I need a way out and you came. When I saw you I knew I had to make plans. My life isn’t simple. We don’t get to walk out of our marriages without consequences. We use blackmail and threats.’ He couldn’t believe he was telling her all this but somehow he wanted to make it right.

  ‘I don’t care. The fact is you lied and you’re married.’

  ‘Please, don’t shut me out. Don’t make this all for nothing.’

  ‘Sebastian.’ A woman called in the direction of the heated argument.

  Over the years Susannah knew exactly where to find him, when he was snuggled up somewhere with one of his women.

  The two women met; there was a look of shock in Susannah’s eyes. This wasn’t what she’d expected.

  ‘Sebastian, your father is asking after you.’

  Harley gazed at both of them in disbelief and then unable to take it anymore ran off.

  ‘Harley!’ he shouted after her.

  ‘Stay away from me!’

  Harley picked up her coat and called for a taxi. Never had she felt so humiliated in her life.

  ‘Well well, this is a surprise,’ Susannah said finally.

  ‘Oh shut up!’ He walked away and headed back to the venue where the auction had just begun to kick off.

  Chapter Seven

  ‘I’m coming I’m coming.’ Amber headed downstairs. She lifted on her toes and peeked through the peep hole. ‘Oh honey what’s wrong?’ She opened the door and took Harley into her arms.

  Harley burst into tears, her life was over, it was back where she started.

  ‘Come let’s get you into the living room.’ She directed Harley into her modest living room.

  They’d always talked about the homes they’d have after they graduated. Amber had achieved her dream first but Harley wasn’t far behind after she landed the job at Forrest Evening Post.

  ‘I...I’m so stupid.’ She sobbed.

  ‘Now now, don’t be so harsh on yourself. Tell me what happened?’

  It took a while for the tears to subside. After a lot of comforting and half a box of tissues Harley was ready to talk.

  ‘It’s him isn’t it?’ Amber started her off and the water works started over.

  This wasn’t working so instead she walked to the fridge and brought out a tub of chocolate ice-cream.

  ‘Ever since that terrible day with Kyle, you helped me through it with ice-cream. I decided to keep this for emergencies.’ She handed Harley a spoon and for the first time a slight smile appeared on Harley’s face. ‘Come on now eat.’ Amber took the first scoop.

  Harley was hesitant. She was great at dishing out the advise but never good at taking it. Amber nodded encouragingly and finally she took a big scoop.

  ‘What’s the point in trying to be thin anyway?’ She dug in again.

  ‘Exactly, we were born with these curves honey. It’s who we are.’

  The ice-cream worked its magic. All the good feelings from the sweet cold cream began to make its way through their bodies. With each spoon Harley began to feel better.


  Harley nodded.

  ‘Do you want to talk about it?’ Amber was cautious and luckily the tears didn’t reappear.

  Finally the words began to flow; from the beginning to end, from glory to defeat. As she let go of it all Harley finally began to feel release.

  ‘I was beginning to fall for him. How could he do this to me?’

  ‘He’s a man honey, they do it all the time. Remember what happened to me.’

  ‘Yeah but Kyle was a prick.’

  They laughed at the same time at the statement.

  ‘True, he was a dick and now he’s making another woman’s life miserable. Just be glad you found out sooner rather than later.’

  ‘It doesn’t hurt any less.’

  ‘I know honey.’ Amber rubbed Harley’s shoulder. ‘I know, but it does get better with time.’

  Harley scraped the last bit of ice-cream from the tub and put it into her mouth.

  ‘Ice-cream never lets you down.’ She leaned her head into Ambers shoulder.

  ‘No it doesn’t.’ Amber wrapped her arms around her. ‘Do you want to stay over tonight?’

  She nodded.

  ‘Okay, you can stay as long as you like.’

  ‘Only for the night, I have to get back for Buttercup.’

  ‘She’s welcome to stay too, if you need more nights.’

  ‘No, I’ll be fine but thank you very much.’

  ‘You’re welcome. I love you.’

  ‘I love you too.’

  The following morning Harley was up early to leave. She knocked on Amber’s door gently and let herself in.

  ‘You okay?’ Amber asked sleepily.

  ‘I could be better. I’m going to get home. I borrowed some of your clothes.’

  ‘I can see that.’ Amber noticed the jeans and the sweatshirt. ‘You sure you don’t want to stay for breakfast?’

  ‘I’m okay, I think I need some time alone and I better go feed Buttercup.’ Harley was grateful that she had a pet to go home to. It wouldn’t be too horrible. ‘I’m going to have to think about what I’m going to do.’

  Amber sat up and took her friends hands. ‘Don’t make any stupid decisions like quitting your job. I felt like that but then I thought about me. If he didn’t want me there then he could quit.’

  ‘It’s not like he’s going to quit his company is it.’ After she’d turned on her mobile there were numerous messages from Sebastian.

  ‘I know but the point I’m trying to make is, be strong. Don’t let what happened define the rest of your career. You’ve got the talent and you worked hard for this. You earned it fair and square.’

  ‘I get you and I agree but I
don’t know how I’m going to face him.’

  ‘Honey it goes away, trust me one day you’ll look at him and think. What the hell did I see in him?’

  ‘That’s not going to be easy with Sebastian. The man is fine.’ Harley had to admit that to reach that point she’d have to pull out the eyeballs from her sockets.

  ‘You know where I am if you need me.’

  ‘Thank you.’ She got up to leave. ‘I’ll call a taxi and I’ll be gone.’

  When the taxi arrived outside Harley’s house there was a man sat on the steps. Her heart tripled in pace as she paid the fair and stepped out. He stood up as she approached, still in the tux from the night before the bowtie hanging loosely around his neck.

  ‘What do you want?’

  ‘Harley please.’

  She ignored him and let herself into her house.

  ‘GO AWAY!’ She tried to shut the door but he stopped it.

  ‘NO!’ He forced his way in. ‘No.’

  He took her face between his hands and pressed his lips against hers. Harley resisted but he wouldn’t let her go, he couldn’t. Instead he kissed her with desperation and his touch weakened her. Everything in her body screamed yes but her mind screamed no. But Sebastian wasn’t going to give up easily. Soon he was desperately pulling down the jeans, threading his fingers through her panties and pulling them down. It was quick and desperate and almost dirty! There were so many moments when she could’ve stopped him but instead she weakened to his aggressive advances. With desperation he found the zip to his trousers, his lips not leaving hers. He pushed her up against the wall, the trousers falling to the floor. He lowered her panties further as if it were a matter of life and death and ran a finger desperately between her flaps. They took in each other’s sound of lust, of anger and everything in between. Each action confused and complicated everything and yet there was no slowing down.

  Immediately he pushed his thickness into her. Harley let out a loud whimper as she felt his cock demand of her. It was rough, it was brutal and yet it was hot! It drew out fluids from within her middle the faster it demanded of her. Harley ran her hands through his hair, their lips not breaking from the other. Sounds that were too loud to understand but made the most perfect sense. They were taken; they were smitten if only for the moment.