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The Girl With The Curves #1 (Positive Curves, #1) Page 4

  Slowly he made his way back to her, her heart was beating so hard, her hands shook. Soon he was next to her, his nose touching hers. She shut her eyes and felt his lips. At first brief kisses met hers, his mouth parted hers to and then he stepped back and searched her eyes.

  ‘Are you sure?’ he asked.

  Harley knew what he was asking and even though she was terrified she was sure.

  They stepped into the warm house; Harley took his hand into hers and led him upstairs. There was a light meow that came from the living room, Buttercups way of acknowledgement.

  ‘Buttercup?’ he murmured and she nodded.

  Within seconds they were in the master bedroom. Harley gazed up into his grey eyes. He ran an index finger down the side of her cheek.

  ‘I...’ she didn’t know how to word what she wanted to say. Harley felt so nervous and thrilled at the same time. ‘I’ve never done this before,’ her voice was barely audible.

  ‘Haven’t done what honey? Brought someone up here?’ He searched her eyes.

  ‘All of it. I’ve never brought someone up here and been with a man intimately.’

  ‘Are you a virgin?’

  ‘No, I just...’ Harley didn’t know how to word it. ‘I’ve been with someone but it wasn’t intimate it was...’

  He put a finger to her lips and smiled. Sebastian didn’t have to say anything. The heat between them was almost tangible, everything around them was so sharp. Awareness and senses had been heightened and the couple felt it. There was no room for awkwardness or shyness. It was comfortable and relaxed and yet heated.

  Again he ran a hand down the side of her face gently. The tingle shot from her face down to the tips of her toes. The clothes against her body soon dropped to the floor and soon Harley stood before him vulnerable. She wanted to hide but Sebastian slowly lifted her chin shaking his head. He stepped back and admired the nakedness before him like a painting in a gallery. His eyes followed the map of her body from top to bottom going over the contours down the sides. There was no sign of distaste or disinterest; instead there was pure lust and excitement.

  Hurriedly the suit fell to the floor. He was strong and muscular and handsome in every sense of the word. There was nothing between them, no fabric nothing. There was only pure nakedness that wasn’t shameful but beautiful, something to be celebrated and she saw it in his eyes.

  Sebastian stepped forward and automatically she shut her eyes as his skin touched hers. He breathed in her scent as his hands travelled down the centre of her back and down her ample bum. He let out a sound of pleasure as he groped the delicious flesh between his fingers. Harley felt his wand stiffen against her, everything felt surreal.

  ‘I...’ The words were stuck in her throat as his hands explored further between her middle.

  Sebastian smiled and nodded as if he knew what she was about to say and quickly pressed his lips against hers. The kisses were hot and passionate. They were wild and nothing she’d ever experienced. Harley had never been kissed like that before. His tongue explored her mouth, she took him in and followed his lead and allowed herself to be swept off her feet, literally.

  The silk bedspread touched her back taking her away just for a moment from the man gazing down at her. He waited, waited for her attention to be fully on him before he touched her lips again with his. Harley took him in, her arms flung around his neck and brought him forward. Sebastian was desperate; the message was clear in the rush of his hands. At first it was jumbled, his hands travelled everywhere wanting it all at once. But soon he realised that by exploring bits at a time made it that much more pleasurable.

  Harley whimpered, sounds that had been foreign, never spoken, soon found a place on her lips. She drank him in exploring every part of his body, touching every inch of his skin. She grasped his behind and pushed him into her, his wand rubbed up against her tummy. His muscle thick with lust, dripping with longing.

  Sebastian pulled back and searched her eyes. There was calm between them and all the shame she’d once felt had vanished. With his eyes still on hers he took the tip of her nipple between his teeth and watched as she cried for him not to stop. Harley wanted to say so many things that were too early to say. Why force a bud to open when it could simply open on its own? So instead of crying out the words that had already formed, Harley let out short but pleasurable sounds.

  ‘Take me,’ he said suddenly in a low deep voice.

  Sebastian held onto his thickness and guided her hand to it.

  ‘Guide me into you, show me how much I can take at a time.’

  The words exploded like honey on taste buds that sent tingles through the body and curled the toes. Harley was weak and moaned as she felt her hand touch the thick muscle.

  ‘Let me taste you,’ he whispered.

  At first Harley guided the tip of his cock to the opening of her focal point. She ran it up and down between the flaps oiling the tip with her longing then slowly, bit by bit Harley pushed the flesh into her well.

  ‘Oh yes, yes!’ He couldn’t hold back.

  The taste, the first taste of what he’d wanted for so long was sweeter than he’d imagined. The deeper he went the stronger the urge to push harder but he waited and allowed her to give the permission. Harley opened wider the deeper he got and soon they found their rhythm. It was slow at first; Sebastian pulled out slightly and pushed back deeply rotating his hips as he did so. But as their lust grew and the cries grew louder, Sebastian could no longer wait for guidance.

  His hands grasped her curvaceous hips as he pumped, as he ground into her. As they admired each other, got comfortable, Sebastian lifted one leg to his shoulder and opened her wide. Harley was taken, she was lost. There was nothing she cared to think about except for the man between her legs. He made fast thudding movements. Their bodies responded with excitement and the wet sounds between them only increased.

  ‘Oh yes, oh god, Sebbbbb ahahahahaha!’ It was a feeling that was so unfamiliar but Harley didn’t resist, instead she let it take over and soon her body had a mind of its own.

  ‘That’s it honey just let it go.’ He breathed.

  Without much effort Sebastian moved so that she was on top of him. He smiled up at her admiring her full figure. Harley knew what to do as if she’d been doing it all her life. With his help, his hands around her waist, Harley lifted up and down the slick cock. He watched with pride and admiration, keeping one hand on her hip and the other one found its way to her healthy bust. He pulled on the tip and this was like pressing a button as it only made her pump his cock faster.

  ‘Oh god!’

  ‘Do you like that?’ He pressed down harder on the tip.

  ‘Hmmm, yesss...aaaaah.’ Harley’s body moved at a pace it had never done before.

  ‘How about this?’

  Sebastian lifted his upper body so that his mouth could take in the other nipple. He bit down slightly while pressing down on the other. This sensation shot down her body, forcing her to lift and fall even faster.

  ‘Ooooh god!’ Harley let out. ‘Oh godddd!’ She pressed him into her chest and threw back her head.

  ‘Yes, yes! Shit yes!’

  It was sudden; Sebastian could no longer contain the excitement. He flipped her over so quickly and was above her devouring her quickly and endlessly. He gave so much, he hit against her so hard. The sounds of their passion travelled through the walls of the room, there was so much that went on between them that they weren’t even aware of the noise they were making.

  The louder they became the faster he pumped, the more he came. Sebastian came again a second time; it was another dry cum, something he’d mastered over the years. He wanted to enjoy it for as long as he could but as they lost themselves in the heat of their lust, Sebastian could no longer hold back. Soon he began to cum, and soon she felt the wet and warm parts of him splash up inside her. Harley held onto him with all her might, she never wanted to let go!


  ‘Hey where are you going?’ Harley stirre

  Sebastian put his arm through the suit jacket then knelt down besides her.

  ‘I’ve got to go home honey.’ He kissed her gentle on the forehead.

  ‘What time is it?’

  ‘Just after midnight.’ He gently stroked her hair.

  ‘Can’t you go in the morning?’

  His face showed genuine pain as he shook his head. ‘I really must go. I’ll see you Monday.’

  ‘Yeah see you Monday.’ Harley was disappointed but the excitement from the few hours before still tickled her body each time a brief flash came to mind.

  Sebastian planted a gently kiss on her lips then stood up to leave. His heart was heavy but he had to go home. It was the right thing to do. Harley took in the footsteps as he made his way downstairs. There was a light meow from Buttercup and his voice drifted up the stairs as he said something to the kitty. Harley smiled. Soon the door opened the sound of the key turned through the keyhole. Then there was the sound of the keys falling through the mail slot.

  Sebastian had a slight smile on his face as the chauffer took him home. It had been the best evening of his life. Harley was everything he wanted in a woman. If life had been that simple and was not governed by his father, Harley was the kind of woman he would’ve looked for. But it wasn’t to be so. With his father still holding the reins to his life it wasn’t that simple.

  He stepped into the house and shut the door gently but that didn’t stop Susannah from stepping out of the reception room.

  ‘Where have you been?’ she asked.

  ‘What does it matter?’ He gazed at his wife. She wrapped herself in a white silk nightgown.

  ‘Honey it matters. You could’ve been hurt. We’ve been worried about you.’


  ‘I asked Cuthbert if you’d dropped by.’

  ‘Why do you always have to involve my father?’ He headed for the stairs and she followed.

  ‘You weren’t answering your mobile.’

  Sebastian turned into their room, a room he hardly slept in. The spare rooms were so much more inviting than sharing a bed with his wife. Married for twenty years hadn’t brought the couple closer instead the years where like thorns pushing them further apart. It wasn’t that he’d never loved his wife. At one point he thought he might actually be in love with her but as her true nature began to reveal the less attracted he’d become to her. His father’s philosophy of breeding was nonsense. It was almost as bad as marrying a first cousin.

  Over the years Susannah had become bitter. It was all the women she had to share him with. They’d both played a part in the breakdown of the marriage but neither of them had made the effort to repair it.

  ‘Sebastian we have a ball to attend tomorrow, well today.’ She looked at the clock.

  He raised his eyebrows as he stepped into the walk in closet. Susannah stood at the entrance and watched as her husband undressed into his pyjamas.

  ‘Your father suggests we rehearse for tonight.’

  ‘What in heavens for?’ He pushed past her.

  ‘The press.’

  ‘I don’t care about the press.’

  ‘How funny, you are the press and yet you don’t care about it.’

  ‘You know what I mean.’

  ‘No I don’t.’ She frowned as he got into their bed.

  ‘We’ve done this play so many times, we don’t need a rehearsal.’ He pulled the covers over him.

  ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Trying to get some sleep.’

  ‘But you haven’t slept in our bed for months.’ Susannah slipped in besides him.

  ‘Do you want me to leave?’

  ‘No, no of course not.’ Susannah was delighted.

  ‘You can add that we’re trying for a family or something along those lines.’

  ‘Now why would we say that?’

  For many years Sebastian wanted children of his own but Susannah wasn’t prepared to loose her figure to them. ‘When they create a baby factory, I’ll consider it or there is the choice of a surrogate.’ She’d said. Sebastian never looked at her the same way again. In fact a child would be better off not being born to Susannah. She’d most likely eat it.

  ‘Because it will give them something to talk about and deflect from our pretend relationship.’

  Susannah drifted closer and ran a hand down the side of his arm. Sebastian didn’t flinch or withdraw instead he just lay there, his back to her, his eyes getting heavy.

  ‘Who is she?’ she asked finally.


  ‘The woman whose brought you back to me?’

  Sebastian turned over and looked at his wife.

  ‘The last time you slept in this bed was months ago and that wasn’t even a relaxed evening. This one must be special.’ She lay back.

  ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’ He turned back. ‘Now get some sleep.’

  Chapter Six

  Harley let Amber in in a panic. Everything was falling apart in her eyes.

  ‘Calm down, you’ll be fine.’ Amber assured her.

  ‘Look at my hair it’s a mess.’ Harley had tried a roller set that had her curls turning in all different directions.

  ‘Oh we can fix that, come on.’ Amber dragged her upstairs and Buttercup followed. ‘Now sit.’ Amber positioned Harley in front of the dressing table and encouraged her to sit. ‘Don’t sweat it you’ll do just fine.’

  ‘This is a big event. I was lucky to even get on the guest list as press.’ Harley felt nervous. This wasn’t only her chance to observe Susannah and report back to Sebastian. It was a story she could cover and get credit for too.

  It was the event of the year, only the rich attended, it was a gated community. It was a ball that had been created many years ago. It was labelled a charity event where the rich throw millions of pounds to good causes. There was also an auction lined up after the three course meal and after that the ball would resume. This was also a chance for many fine and up coming artists to sell their work to the rich. A percentage of the money from the paintings was donated to charity. All this excited Harley and she wanted to be at her best, the most important people would be there and she’d get to cover it.

  ‘There,’ said amber after she’d placed the final hairpin in Harley’s hair.

  ‘It’s beautiful!’

  Amber had magically placed the curls into a high bun and had left a few curls out that hung down the sides of her face. She looked like a bride, it brought tears to her eyes.

  ‘You look beautiful.’

  Harley took her best friend into her arms and squeezed her tight.

  ‘Now help me into the dress.’

  ‘Did you take my advice?’

  ‘I did. I got it from Debenhams. I know I won’t be walking around in a thousand pound dress but I think this will do.’

  ‘It’s gorgeous.’ Amber admired the simple but stunning black dress.

  Harley had called her in a panic about what to wear and her advice was to stick to black, for one it was a safe colour and two it would make her look slimmer. Not that she wanted to look slimmer; Sebastian loved her for her curves. The dress ran down to her feet, it followed her delicious curves. It held nicely around her healthy bust. The small threads of silver that were expertly intertwined with the dress made it look like a thousand pound dress.

  Harley had gone for the silver set of jewellery that Amber had also suggested. The silver earrings, necklace and bracelet added to the dress.

  ‘Oh you look amazing. Not only that, you look happy.’ For the first time that evening Amber noticed something different about her friend. There was a glow to her.

  ‘I feel happy.’ Harley sat down at the dressing table again and finished the make up.’

  ‘What’s made you so happy?’ Amber perched on the bed and observed her friend.

  A naughty smile tugged at her lips.

  ‘You’ve met someone haven’t you?’ Amber clapped her hands excitedly.

  ‘You co
uld say that.’ She put on the light purple lipstick that worked with her dark skin beautifully.

  ‘Why would you hide this from me?’

  ‘I didn’t hide it, it’s all new.’

  ‘Really?’ Amber wasn’t convinced.

  ‘Yes really.’

  ‘Do I know him?’

  ‘You know about him but you’ve never met him.’

  Amber scrunched her face and tried to figure out the riddle. How many men did she know that Harley had mentioned? Not many. Just then her eyes almost popped out of their sockets when it slotted into place.

  ‘Noooo!’ she said.

  ‘What?’ Harley swirled to face her friend.

  ‘It can’t be the man you hate so much you want to drown him.’

  Harley nodded.

  ‘Your boss!’

  ‘Yep. Sebastian.’

  ‘Oooo you’re on first name basis?’

  ‘We are.’ She was giddy.

  ‘What else aren’t you telling me?’

  ‘Nothing.’ She stood up and picked up her handbag and the items she needed.

  ‘Oh my god you didn’t!’

  ‘I won’t tell.’

  ‘You don’t have too, it’s written all over your face. You dirty girl you!’

  ‘I know!’ Her heart leapt as she thought about the night before.

  ‘How was he?’ Amber asked.

  ‘The best.’

  They began to travel downstairs.

  ‘I hope this doesn’t interfere with work.’

  ‘I know what you mean.’

  ‘Don’t sleep where you eat or is it eat where you sleep?’

  ‘I get it but he came onto me and I just couldn’t resist him.’ Her eyes gazed up at the ceiling as if trying to recapture the moment. ‘He loves the way I am, who I am. For so long I felt like an outsider, like I wasn’t pretty enough and this man tells me otherwise.’

  ‘Honey you don’t need a man to define who you are. You can do that all by yourself.’

  ‘I have, it’s confirmation. Let me enjoy this. I really do love him.’ The word slipped out before she could stop it.


  ‘Oh I don’t know what it is but whatever it is, it feels good.’