In His Power (Beyond Darkness, #1) Read online

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  ‘Who’s that mummy?’

  ‘I don’t know. I’ll go and have a look.’ She glanced at her watch; it was just after six twenty.

  She peaked through the peep hole, and her heart sunk.

  ‘What do you want, Andre?’ she shouted.

  ‘I want to see my daughter. Is that too much to ask?’

  She sucked in a deep breath. She didn’t want Paige to hear her fight with him, so she opened the door and stepped out.

  ‘Hey, baby, you look great!’ He tried to touch her caramel skin.


  ‘Why do you have to be like that?’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘Acting all high and mighty?’

  ‘What do you want?’

  ‘I told you. I’ve come to see my daughter.’

  ‘That’s not going to happen.’

  ‘She’s my daughter, I can see her whenever I like.’

  ‘No you can’t. You call, you make an appointment. You don’t just show up. And you still haven’t coughed up any money for her upkeep.’

  ‘You know I’m out of a job at the moment.’

  London wondered how she’d got herself mixed up with the likes of Andre. He was a swift talking Mother ***ker who did nothing, but take, take take. She’d fallen for his good looks and charm, but that soon faded out when he couldn’t even stand by her to keep the baby.

  ‘You’re always out of a job.’

  ‘It isn’t my fault. It’s the government’s fault.’

  ‘Is that right? So the government stopped you from getting an education?’

  ‘Don’t be all snotty with me just because you got a degree.’

  ‘As a matter of fact I will be. You’ve given me nothing, you’re good for nothing!’

  He sucked in a deep breath. It was a blessing he wasn’t abusive, just downright stupid!

  ‘Are you going to let me see my daughter or what?’

  ‘Not today. She’s not expecting you.’

  ‘You can’t do that.’

  ‘Yes I can, and I will. Good-night, Andre.’

  He was about to protest, but gave up. She shook her head and turned to open the door. His eyes dropped on her butt and he smiled.

  ‘You always had a nice arse,’ he said.

  ‘Go to hell, Andre.’

  ‘I will, and I’ll wait for you there.’

  ‘That will be a long wait because as far as I’m aware. I’m going to heaven.’

  He laughed as she slammed the door in his face.

  ‘Who was it mummy?’

  ‘Just some people trying to sell mummy something.’

  ‘Then why were you shouting? You only shout when daddy comes around.’

  ‘I’m sorry for shouting, sweetie. I promise not to do it again. Okay?’

  Paige nodded.

  ‘Good, now finish up that pasta, it will get cold.’


  The rest of the evening, Paige helped mum with the dishes and later they danced in the living room. It was something they loved to do together. It not only made London feel great, it was a time to bond with her daughter. At half past seven it was time to send her to bed.

  ‘Do I have to go to bed now?’

  ‘Yes honey, we have a long and exciting day tomorrow. You want to have all the energy to meet all your favourite characters.’

  She ran upstairs and London followed behind.

  ‘Can you read me a story?’

  ‘Only if you’re really quick getting into your pyjamas.’

  Paige tried as fast as she could to get undress and into her pyjamas. London picked up the clothes from the floor and folded them into a neat pile, to be put away.

  ‘I’m ready.’ Paige slid into bed.


  ‘What story would you like?’ London picked up the iPad she’d bought for Paige a few months ago. It had been a spur of the moment thing, and she’d wondered if she was too young. But it had been a good thing for Paige’s active little mind.

  There were many children’s books on the device, and it wasn’t long before London snuggled up against her daughter and began to read.

  Slowly but surely, her eyes dropped. London smiled as she read the last line, and slowly shifted off the bed. She pulled the covers up and tucked her in gently. It was a happy moment. A moment she would never want to forget.


  ‘Mummy, mummy wake up!’ Paige burst into London’s room.

  ‘Hmm?’ She squinted. ‘What time is it?’ She reached for her mobile phone. ‘Honey, it’s five o’clock. You’re up way too early.’

  ‘I can’t sleep!’ she squealed. ‘I want to go now.’

  ‘Yeah, well if we go now, the park won’t be opened.’ She laughed. ‘Come and get a couple more hours with me.’ London opened the duvet cover and Paige jumped in. ‘Now close your eyes. We’ve still got time.’

  Paige tried the best she could, but she couldn’t contain her excitement. ‘Mummy?’

  ‘Yes.’ She kept her eyes shut.

  ‘What rides are there?’

  ‘Too many to mention, we’ll see when we get there.’

  Paige was silent for a moment, her little mind turning about little thoughts. She asked a few more questions, and London answered each one patiently. She understood the child’s excitement, and knew there was no way she could control it.

  At six thirty London decided it was pointless trying to stay in bed to sleep. Paige wouldn’t stop talking.

  ‘Why don’t you go and have a bath while I make something for us to eat.’

  ‘Yes! We’re going soon aren’t we?’

  ‘Yes honey, now let’s go and run you a bath.’

  They climbed out of bed. She held onto the little girls hand and they walked to the bathroom. London loved everything about being a mom. From the moment she brought Paige home, she took on the role at once.

  The bath filled up, and the bubbles floated above the water. Paige threw in her favourite toys like she always did, and then got undressed and stepped into the bath.

  London did her best to help Paige get ready, she allowed Paige to do as much as she could.

  The rest of the morning was joyful, and Paige was on a high. By the time they left, London was certain Paige would fall asleep in the car, but that didn’t happen. The excitement only increased.

  They arrived at the theme park an hour later. Paige looked as though she’d just walked into a land of toys. She gazed around the park and took it all in.

  ‘Wow, mummy!’

  ‘Yes I know.’ She beamed.

  Paige had never been to a theme park so everything was magnified. She looked at the surrounding rides, the characters that gave away balloons and goodies. She wanted to do everything she could.

  ‘Can we go and ride on that merry go round?’ she pointed.

  ‘Are you sure that’s what you want first?’

  Paige nodded vigorously.

  ‘Okay then.’

  London bought the tickets to the rides, and they went right ahead. She was a little worried that it might be too much for Paige, but Paige seemed too excited to worry about it.

  ‘Weeee!’ She kept saying. ‘Mummy, I’m riding a horse.’

  ‘Yes you are.’ London was right behind her.

  They tried a few more rides, and got a few shots with characters. London had never seen her daughter happier. They moved onto the little part that had animals. Paige fed the goats and the cows that were fenced in a different part of the park.

  ‘Ooooh mummy, it’s ticklish.’ She giggled as the goat fed off her hand.

  ‘I know.’ London laughed.

  The crowds drifted through the park, children ran everywhere. It was a family feeling atmosphere, and it gave London peace just being there.

  ‘Mummy, I’m hungry.’

  ‘Okay. Let’s find a toilet so you can wash your hands, and then we can get you something to eat. Okay?’

  She nodded. They trotted around the park before fin
ding a restroom.

  ‘Do you need the toilet?’


  ‘Okay.’ She helped her in the toilet.

  ‘Mummy, this is fun,’ she said.

  ‘Yes it is. Come on, let’s go wash those hands.

  They left the toilets in search of food. London spotted a crowded hotdog stand.

  ‘Fancy a hotdog?’

  ‘Yes please!’

  ‘C’mon then.’ She held out her hand, and they went to join the crowd.

  ‘You stand right next to mummy while I get you a hotdog.’

  It only took a second. London was next in line to be served when a nice looking woman bent down within the unsuspecting crowd and gave Paige a smile. Paige smiled back. The woman waved a little white teddy bear and then motioned for her to come over. The little girl smiled and took a step forward.

  ‘Will you help me look for my doggy? It looks just like this.’ The woman smiled and held out her hand. Paige nodded and took her hand.

  ‘Here we go...Paige?’ She looked around her. ‘Paige, Paige...’ She dropped the hotdogs. ‘PAIGE! PAIGE!’ She pushed through crowd. ‘Excuse me, did anyone see a little girl...’ she hyperventilated. ‘Oh god! PAIGE!’ She ran around like a mad woman. ‘Someone please, help! Help me! HELP ME! PLEASE!’ She turned left and right amongst the crowds.

  A woman who noticed something was wrong ran up to her.

  ‘My baby!’ London held onto her head. ‘She’s gone, someone’s taken my baby!’ She fell to her knees.

  The surrounding voices became distant. The sounds of the musical merry-go-round was heard in the distance. Everything seemed to be moving slowly, the sound of her heart between her ears.

  ‘My baby. Someone’s taken my baby!’ That was the last thing she said, and everything went black.


  Victor was enjoying a Martini with his old friend, Collin when Bradley rang.

  ‘I said no calls.’

  ‘I think you’ll want to know about this.’

  Victor looked at his friend. They had an understanding. ‘I’m sorry, I must take this.’

  ‘By all means. I’ll order us another round.’

  Victor nodded and left the table. Collin called for the waiter, and ordered another two martini’s even though it was only just past midday. Victor walked to the foyer, and listened to what Bradley had to say.

  ‘The police have shut down one of the theme parks.’

  ‘Which one?’ He gritted his teeth.


  ‘What happened? We can’t have the police there.’

  ‘A kidnapping.’


  ‘A child’s gone missing and the police are in the place as we speak.’

  ‘Dam it!’ The theme park was just a show, but he didn’t want the police getting too close to him. Especially the ones he didn’t know. ‘Make sure we get all the copies of the footage before the police take them.’

  ‘Already done.’

  ‘Good man!’

  ‘You might not like what I’ll say next.’

  ‘Go on.’

  ‘It looks like Detective Gates is heading the case.’

  ‘Shit, the one cop I can’t buy. This is personal, I can feel it. I get the sense he’ll be looking into taking me down too.’

  ‘I hope not.’

  ‘I suggest you get me everything on the family of the child. We need to work faster than the police. Get them off our turf.’

  ‘I’ll have everything I find sent to you later.’

  ‘Perfect.’ He hung up and returned to join his friend.

  ‘Is everything all right?’ He noticed just how flushed he was.

  ‘There’s a situation at one of my theme parks.’

  ‘Sorry to hear that, hope you’ll get it sorted.’

  ‘Yes, well, we have to. We don’t want too many police snooping around.’

  Collin nodded. They sat in silence for a while. There were so many things running through Victors mind. How could this even be? This had never happened before.

  ‘Don’t feel you need to stay on my account.’

  ‘There’s no rush. Bradley will take care of the things I need.’

  ‘You trust that man a great deal.’

  ‘I do, he’s been with me a while. I know he’s on my side and won’t backstab me.’

  ‘I hope you’re certain about that.’

  ‘I am. He’ll never turn on me.’

  Collin nodded again. He wouldn’t argue with his best friend. They’d know each other so long, and had always been there for each other.

  ‘Any plans for the weekend?’ Victor tried to get back to “normal.”

  ‘Just taking the family away, Gina’s been nagging me about it for ages.’

  ‘Well, it’s good you’re taking a break.’

  ‘I guess with what’s going on at your theme park, your weekend will be full.’

  ‘Pretty much.’

  Collin studied Victor a moment.



  ‘Yes, well it was a long time coming. You and I both know she wasn’t the one.’

  ‘But you love her.’

  ‘I loved the look of her. She is a stunning looking woman. I’m not surprised Von did what he did.’

  ‘I heard he’s in crutches. Does that have anything to do with you?’

  ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’ He smiled cunningly, and took the last bit of the drink.

  ‘Well, let’s hope it doesn’t come back to bite you.’

  ‘Yes, Nadine has quite some dirt on me. I wouldn’t be surprised if she tried to take me down. This is why I sent her away, out of the country.’

  ‘You think that will keep her away?’

  ‘For now. I have eyes on her.’

  Collin smiled.

  ‘Anyway, I better get home. Bradley might have some information for me, soon. And it’s no doubt the police will be looking for me. I’d rather they find me at home than here at the restaurant. I don’t want to cause a scene.’

  ‘Yes well, I better be off myself.’

  They stood up.

  ‘It’s been a pleasure.’ They hugged briefly, patting each other.

  They parted ways.

  Chapter Three

  ‘Miss Nolan?’

  London turned around on the hospital bed and looked up at the detective.

  ‘I’m Detective Gates. I’m working your case.’

  She remained silent.

  ‘I will need to ask you some questions so we can take the necessary action to find your daughter.’

  Again she was silent.

  ‘Will you be able to give me a detail of what happened?’ He studied her. What a beautiful woman, he thought, trying to concentrate.

  She had beautiful big light brown eyes that drew him in. Her lashes elongated and curled at the ends that further enhanced her eyes. He tried to shake the feeling, and focus on her, but her beauty made it terribly hard.

  ‘Miss Nolan?’

  The words felt trapped in her throat. She’d been struck by grief. Her only daughter had been kidnapped. London didn’t want to think about death.

  ‘I need your help.’ He sat beside the bed and ran a hand through his dark brown hair. He was tall and lanky, with a soft face, but he also looked intelligent and confident.

  ‘Oh honey, oh god!’ Portia, London’s mum rushed in. ‘Oh honey.’ She took her into her arms. ‘Dad is on his way up. He just had to park the car.’

  London shut her eyes and held onto her mother like a life jacket. Portia bit back her lip and tried to stop herself from crying, but how could she not. She was terrified about where her granddaughter could be.

  ‘Mrs Nolan?’ Detective Gates asked.


  ‘I’m trying to get more information about Paige. Unfortunately your daughter won’t tell me anything.’

  ‘She’s in shock! What do you expect?’

  ‘It’s cru
cial that we find her within the next twenty-four hours. Beyond that, well...’

  London felt the lump in her throat. She couldn’t think about it. Her baby was safe somewhere. She prayed that whoever took her, was taking good care of her.

  ‘Perhaps you could help. We need recent photos, and any piece of clothing that has her scent for the dogs. This is important.’

  ‘Yes, of course. I’ll have her father do that.’

  ‘I wish London could give us more details about the incident, but I’ll leave it for now.’ He stood up and nodded. ‘I will be in touch. And don’t worry. We’re doing everything we can to bring your daughter back to you.’ He hesitated for a moment, but then decided that leaving was the next best action.

  ‘Oh darling.’ Portia took her daughter into her arms again. ‘We will pray sweetheart. The whole church is praying for us.’ She held onto her like a little girl.

  London felt numb. Nothing and no one could change the way she felt. The only thing that would make her feel better, would be her daughter walking through that door. How she wished it was all just a dream!


  The police had come and left. He hadn’t provided enough answers for them, and they promised to be back. Victor was just grateful Detective Gates hadn’t come along. He was in his study when the there was a light knock on the door.

  ‘Come in, Bradley.’

  Bradley stepped in carrying a box full of discs and a folder.

  ‘I take it all the footage is here?’

  ‘Yes, the police have some, but not all the footage.’

  ‘That’s great. Did you get the information on the victim?’

  ‘It’s all in the folder.’ He lifted the brown folder from the box and handed it to him.

  Victor opened the file. The picture on the front of the folder took his breath away.

  ‘My god,’ he uttered.

  ‘I know.’

  ‘She’s so beautiful.’ He’d never felt this instant attraction to anyone that fast. The feeling had made him keener than before to pursue this. ‘She’s important now.’

  Bradley smiled mildly.

  ‘What, you think I can’t love someone in an instant?’

  ‘My lips are sealed.’

  ‘You can fall in love with a flower for its beauty,’ he said. ‘This woman is a beautiful flower. I must help her.’ The shift in his heart was undeniable. ‘What are the police saying, have any idea?’

  ‘They’re not having any luck, and London, the mother of the child, isn’t saying anything.’